Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Fall in Michigan

When we lived overseas, the number one thing I missed about America was Fall. Growing up in Michigan, I fell in love with the changing of the seasons and no season announces itself like fall. I love looking out for the first bursts of red and yellow in the trees. Fall is particularly magical because if you are not careful you will miss it. It often seems like all the leaves fell overnight and somehow you didn't take the time you should have to appreciate them and now the long, cold winter has set in.

Feraz and I always try to do some drives around fall and this year we were lucky enough to be able to drive to Michigan and see the trees changing through five states. A week ago, I would not have guessed that a giant storm named Sandy would come and snatch up the end of fall in one giant swoop. So grateful that we got to appreciate the season fully before that happened.

Here are some pictures I took from a trip to Stoney Creek Park with Feraz and my mom.

Monday, October 29, 2012

the hirshhorn - ai weiwei

There is a terrific Ai Weiwei ("According to What") exhibit at the Hirshhorn right now. I didn't know almost anything about him until visiting it but I am obsessed. 

Weiwei's art explore the relationship of the individual and society. Many of his pieces are intended to question the values of self and society and are thought provoking. If you are in DC, I hope you get a chance to check out this inspiring exhibit.

We walked from Georgetown to the Hirshhorn. It was a lovely, long walk.
Made a few stops along the way.
I loved all the Ai Weiwei quotes. 
Beijing 2008 Stadium
Wenchaun Steel Rebar
Ai Weiwei "Dropping a Han Dynasty Urn"
Wooden chambers capturing all the phases of the moon
Tea houses made from tea.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Shenandoah National Park

Got to go on a lovely hike in Shenandoah National Park a few weekends ago. Here are some pictures of a little part of our beautiful country. 

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